
LTG Book Nook
The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner, PhD
Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work by John Gottman, PhD
Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson
My Anxious Mind: A Teen's Guide to Managing Anxiety and Panic by Michael A. Tompkins
It Will Never Happen to Me! Children of Alcoholics: As Youngsters-Adolescents-Adults by Claudia Black, PhD
Perfect Daughters: Adult Daughters of Alcoholics by Robert J. Ackerman
8. The Narcissist in Your Life by Julie L. Hall

Spotlights of LTG in the Media
1. Family Therapy Magazine
Why Therapists Need to Get Paid: An MFT Private Practioner's View
2. Huffington Post
"8 Things You Should Never, Ever Say to a Teenager"
3. The New York Times
"How to Find the Right Couples Therapist"
4.. The Wall Street Journal
"For Divorced Parents, Coronavirus Means Extra Complications"
The Biggest Relationship Problems Couples Therapists See Over and Over Again
How sandwich caregivers can promote bonding between kids and older adults
7. Fatherly Magazine
"Which Couples Therapy is the Best Couples Therapy?"

LTG's Instagrams to Follow
OMNoire: @omnoire
Dr. Nicole LePera: @the.holistic.psychologist
Deepak Chopra: @chopra
Self Care is for Everyone: @selfcareisforeveryone
Dr. Jazmine: @themompsychologist
Erica Djossa: @happyasamother
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